Bonnie and Billy Wagner
Bonnie and Billy Wagner are two children who own a collection of Popples since the cartoon's first season. Bonnie is the older sibling and Billy is the younger sibling. They live with their mother Mrs. Wagner. In the first season, Bonnie was voiced by Barbara Lynn Redpath and Billy was voiced by Noam Zylberman. In the second season, they appear to have grown a few years older and are both voiced by Valri Bromfield.
Bonnie and Billy are young-aged white humans. Bonnie has long dark brown hair with bangs and a brown eye color (changed to blue in season 2). She is usually seen wearing a violet bowed headband, a purple shirt with a white vest over it, a dark purple skirt, white sneakers, and purple socks. Billy has short light brown hair with a blue eye color. He wears a blue and purple shirt with a red number 1 on the front, dark purple pants, red and white sneakers with white strings, and white socks.
Bonnie and Billy often do their best to keep the Popples from trying to make a mess over important things, but don't always succeed. However, Bonnie's regulations over the Popples, tend to be more strict than Billy's.